Welcome to The Cooper School's sixth form blog, Sixth Sense. Here, you will find regular updates on the work and life of the students in Oxfordshire's newest sixth form.

Friday 17 December 2010

December 2010 - Video update

I would like to direct all readers of this blog to the new video update which was completed this week : once again using the expertise of Mr McCarey. Standing on site (fully protected) on the same spot as the first video, highlighted the progress that has been made in the building development. The first video was made on a grassy knoll which is now under the entrance to the sixth form building. It is 6 months since then and the building is really taking shape. I look forward to creating the next installment.

This week, Mr Baxter and myself delivered a presentation to the 'BicesterVision' partnership in order to highlight to the community the vision we have for Post 16 Education. It was also really interesting to begin to consider the ways that future Sixth Formers at this school can have a higher profile and voice in the significant future plans and development of Bicester.

With more snow forecast I continue to be impressed by the building efforts and progress of James Batty and his team. It will be interesting to see what will have developed by the start of the new term in January.

2011 will the a significant year for this school and an opportunity to offer students diversity and choice in Post 16 education. It is a privilege and an honour to be part of this and I look forward to 2011 with excitment and enthusias.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Friday 10 December 2010

Week 14 - Roof, snow, ice & walls!

The inclement freezing weather has not in any way stopped the advance of the building. The walls are going up on the ground floor and the roof is going on. Sealing the building will be a signifcant step towards completion. Mr Batty has offered to do a tour of the site next week for any interested parties. This will take place on WEDNESDAY 15th DECEMBER at 10.15 am. If anybody would like to participate could I please ask you to email me at the school to book a place.

I will also be creating a video link / update of the build next week with Mr McCarey. It will be 6 months since we made the initial video and a signifcant change has happened since then! I hope to have this on the blog before Christmas.

The Head teacher and myself have been invited to give a presentation to 'Bicester Vision' on our plans & aspirations for our post 16 provision in the area and we are looking forward to that.

Applications continue to arrive and I would urge all prospective students to abide by the deadline of January 28th 2011 - as these applications will be given priority.

Friday 3 December 2010

Week 13 - First tour of the site

This week has been most notable as it was the first time I was taken on site and given a guided tour of the build. Mr James Batty escorted me around the premises and down the corridors on the first and ground floors. I was struck by the size of the building as it is much bigger than I had realised. The cafeteria / social area is twice the size I had expected and will become an extremely popular part of the Post 16 centre. I have already had discussions for the provision of catering needs for Sixth Form students and plans are underway for this. The two floors will also provide excellent classrooms for sixth form lessons as they are very spacious and will allow us to create modern, flexbible learning environments for our future students.

I have also had a number of volunteers who have come forward to be part of the furniture choosing committee. Seeing the students enthusiasm and interest has been a joy for me this week. I have stood at classroom windows with Year 11 pointing out to them where rooms will be and we have all been struck by the realisation that this time next year we will be in there and fully established.

Applications continue to arrive and I am planning the interview day for prospective students. This will take place in early February 2011 and will involve all students having a 10 minute interview with a member of the SLT. Full details of this interview will be sent out to applicants on February 1st 2011.