Welcome to The Cooper School's sixth form blog, Sixth Sense. Here, you will find regular updates on the work and life of the students in Oxfordshire's newest sixth form.

Friday 30 September 2011

Year 12 Enrichment

Our post 16 students have all been advised that it is in their best interests for all future applications that they are involved in enrichment activities. Mr Mike Nicholls, Oxford University Admissions tutor, informed them that competition for Higher Education Courses means that places are usually offered to students who have taken part in a range of opportunities which are in addition to their academic achievements.

Consequently, our students are now finalising their plans and arrangements for their individual enrichment programme. The enthusiasm and commitment of the students has impressed me. Students are considering their future aims and aspirations and attempting to secure opportunities that will complement and enhance their studies.

Impressively, out of 104 students, we have enrolled 43 students on the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award scheme. Our advisers, Sam Sykes & Jo Russell, have been astounded by this number.

In addition, we have 18 students enrolled on the Young Enterprise programme. These students are now beginning to establish their business ideas with their 3 advisers from BicesterVision. Budding entrepreneurs all!

The remaining students are involved in a range of leadership activities which include: working in local primary schools, being attached to lower school students / classes, helping to run sporting clubs, or becoming Sports Leaders on the CSLA programme.

Friday 23 September 2011

Student quotations

I would like to thank Year 12 students for their impeccable and responsible attitude during our school Open evening last night. They were a credit to the school and genuine role models for younger students.

The Year 12 students have been interviewed on their views / experiences of life in the Sixth Form:

Andre Garrick: "I am learning lots of new things to help with my future career."

Helen Oldham: "It's been amazing. The free lessons mean you can study in your own time."

Chris England: "It's been fun and a new experience."

Ellen Giles: "It's very different to the lower school - there's more freedom and you take responsibility for yourself."

Luke Dickety: "It's a big step from GCSE but it's really enjoyable."

Samanda King: "It's extremely different to all other years of learning because it's more independent and more fun."

Dan Pearson: "I love it!"

Kayleigh Harding: "The atmosphere is really good and everyone gets on really well."

Stephen Rust: "It's a lot of hard work but fun and enjoyable."

Emily Spittle: "It's hard work but I don't mind doing the extra work because it's really interesting."

Friday 16 September 2011

Week 2 ....

As we complete the 2nd week of term the students are clearly settling into their courses and beginning to shape ideas for the future. The positive approach is still very much in evidence and staff have stopped me frequently to inform me how much they are enjoying teaching the KS5 students.

KS5 evening - Thursday 15th September

This was a very well attended evening and I would like to thank parents and students for their support. It gave the school an opportunity to explain the aims of KS5 studies and begin to outline how students can make the very best of their time here. We were also able to clarify our expectations of students both in / out of lessons. In addition, we clarified the range of enrichment activities open for students as well as involvement in community service.

It also gave the Post 16 tutors a chance to meet the parents and begin to establish a partnership of school - student - parent so that we can all work together to support and encourage the on-going progress and development of the students.

We have definitely had a fantastic start to our new sixth form and long may this continue! Enquiries are already coming in from parents / students about the application process for next year.....

Friday 9 September 2011

The 1st week of the 1st term with our 1st Year 12

The Post 16 centre

The Post 16 centre has come alive with the sound of Year 12 students in the cafeteria and the classrooms upstairs housing the first ever AS level lessons. The building is as it should be - full of students, noise with movement to and fro. The students are making themselves at home using the kitchen facilities and the vending machines need frequent refills. It has been a good start to the sixth form. Students have commented to me that they have found the lessons thoroughly enjoyable and interesting. I know staff have also enjoyed the academic challenges of delivering A levels. It has also been very interesting to see the lower school students watching the sixth formers with respect and clearly wanting to visit the facilities and enquire about Post 16 courses.

External Speaker

As part of the students' enrichment programme, I have organised a range of speakers to come and talk to the students. Today we welcomed Mr Mike Nicholson who is the Director of Admissions at Oxford University. He spoke about the great advantages of Higher Education and gave some important advice about choosing courses and institutions. This was an entertaining and informative talk and provided a good start to the programme.


I am encouraging all students to partake in an enrichment activity / community service. Many students have requested to support lower school pupils and this will provide a great support to students. I have been particularly impressed with the positive approach of the sixth formers.

It has been a really good week and a delight to have the Year 12 AT LAST in the school!