Welcome to The Cooper School's sixth form blog, Sixth Sense. Here, you will find regular updates on the work and life of the students in Oxfordshire's newest sixth form.

Friday 22 July 2011


Thanks to all Year 12 students for their enthusiasm, energy and positive feedback about the 2 day induction programme. The local business advisers were impressed by the students commitment and determination to succeed. They also commented on the talents of many individuals and were very complimentary about our new sixth formers.

The staff at the school have also praised the calibre of students and their enjoyment of having 'like minded young adults' in their lessons. It was certainly a productive induction. Staff have also commented on how nice it was to have sixth formers walking about the site and what a different atmosphere that created.

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire induction. It was a joy to have the students on site at last!

I would like to wish all our forthcoming students an enjoyable summer. I hope that you use the time productively to prepare for your KS5 studies. I also wish students all success with their GCSE results and I look forward to formally enrolling students on August 25th 2011.

PS - quick building / furniture update ......

The classroom tables have just arrived & we have just arranged the furniture in the cafeteria ! Looking even better!!!

Friday 15 July 2011

Photographs....to reality

I spent an hour this morning sifting through all the photographs of the build from last July up to pictures taken yesterday. Mrs Paviour and myself have been trying to recreate the stages of the building as it went up - the cranes, the foundations, the skeleton, the stairs going in and the scaffolding coming down. It has been an impressive process that has steadily and completely taken shape week by week. We aim to use these photographs for display purposes next week.

I was in the building yesterday and have been choosing the sites for the notice boards in each of the classrooms. It really is at the last stages of completion - with the furniture about to go in and complete the rooms. The reality of the build is nearly complete and we are going to be issued with the key shortly!

So, this really is it.

I have thought about this every day for over 12 months now and next week I can officially welcome all the Post 16 students to this school. So, I look forward enormously to seeing all the Year 12 students on Wednesday.

Bring it on!

Friday 8 July 2011

Looking back ... looking forward


This has been a momentous 12 months. When I was offered this job in April 2010 a close family member described it as 'the best job in the country' and often over the past 12 months I have thought that too. The creation of the Post 16 centre is an amazing opportunity for this school and for the students. I have felt privileged to have been offered the opportunity to be part of it and it is a responsibility that I have undertaken with delight.

In June last year I came to visit the school for the first time after being offered the job here. I stood on a little bit of green grass with some students I had never met before and we were with Mr McCarey and his camera . Together we made the first Sixth Form film. That day passed in whirl of faces, blogs and architectural plans.

In September there were the first assemblies with Year 11 and the creation of the Post 16 prospectus. The open evening in November and the receipt of the applications in January. One of the highlights of the year was meeting the prospective year 12 students during the interviews. Since then, I have been organising the option choices so that it matches the requirements and interests of the students. We have also recruited 14 new teaching staff! Since May I have been heavily involved in organising the opening ceremony and Induction programme for the students and I am now at the stage when things are all coming together and it is becoming real.


However, in the background, constantly changing, is THE BUILD. The progress and change has been staggering to watch and every week Mr Batty updates me on the developments. This week I know that the classrooms are being finished and I have been told that by next week I will not recognise it!


All the things to come for the Year 12 students will include .......

....Year 12 Induction.... the opening ceremony....results day....Year 12 enrolment....the start of the academic year...examinations...speaker periods...Higher Education events.... trips abroad...applications for jobs and university...taster days at university... leadership opportunities...a Post 16 leadership team....

Friday 1 July 2011


.... and nearly action!


The tour of the build with the contractors yesterday was my first sight of the carpets in the common room, Business / ICT room, as well as the flooring in the cafeteria. These impressive rooms looked even more spectacular as a result. The circular wall lights along the corridors were also switched on which provided a really warm, ambient glow. Even the contractors, project managers and designers commented on how beautiful this building is already and can only get even better.


Most spectacular yesterday was watching the paving experts laying the stones / bricks in front of the building. The speed and dexterity of these men was a genuine wonder to behold. Mr Baxter, Headteacher commented on the fact that the men were so quick that the lorry could not load the bricks off quick enough to keep up with them. Mr McCarey was able to film this work which we intend to use in the final video of the build. They are creating a 'plaza' / 'piazza' at the front of the building which will also have large planters and a seating area.


I need some lovely Year 11's to come into school on Tuesday 5th July at 3.30pm to meet myself and Mr. McCarey. We will only need you for about 30 minutes - so if you are free please come along.

.......less than 3 weeks until the opening!!!!!